What We Have Been Up To…With Live And Local.
We are here to help the Live Music Community in Acadiana. If you need help or have an up-coming Cd Release we can help you get the word out about please let us know by messaging the Facebook Page anytime.
We have continued to promote live music in the last two years & are excited that we are now over 21k likes on Facebook with a very large website impression number monthly. These numbers continue to prove that the Live Music Calendar works, and is extremely effective in promoting live music and events in Acadiana.We will be looking for many new reasons to inspire people through-out the SW Louisiana to get out, and find an event & of course Live Music. We also allow the public to view how many times a page is viewed. (see the little eye on the top right) the number next to it is the actual impressions. This allows the reader to know we are not just making numbers up.
We hope you enjoy the coverage this weekend of Festivals Acadiens et Creoles 2015! Thank you all for your on-going support of all genres of music in the Acadiana area! We will be producing new websites and these platforms will exist on LiveMusicLouisiana.com. We will then be looking at future possibilities for growth, which we have been researching for the previous 6 months. We appreciate your help in giving us a reason to be creative, and showing us that you want to be informed of “What To Do!” Thank you for supporting Live Music and Local musicians in Acadiana!
- If at any time you would like to contact Live And Local by email please do so anytime day or night at kevin@livemusiclouisiana.com